Hi! Thank you for taking the time to check out the project <3
We are looking for Extras for my Bachelor Thesis Film
who will be part of the Late Night Talk Show Audience.
Friday, 24.11.2023, STUDIO 1
(full day time commitment)
+ costume fitting beforehand
(+/- 30 minutes, on campus)
As an extra you become part of the audience of the fictional late night show "Sweet Talking" that my Bachelor Thesis Film is about. We will film your reactions as an audience to everything that is happening on the show as well as a short dancing sequence during the performance of a live band.
There will be a hair and makeup team that will glam you up in the morning as well as a photographer that will take some fun pictures with you.
It is an unpaid project, but there will be snacks and lunch for everyone on set!
Please fill out the contact form down below if you want to join the team and we will contact you about the date for a short fitting on campus (Marienstraße 14).
Thank you!